Our Management

Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore - Administration

Fr. Dr. Augustine George

Secretary, Bodhi Niketan Trust

Fr. Dr. Lijo Thomas

Vice Principal & Chief Finance Officer
Treasurer, Bodhi Niketan Trust

Fr. Emmanuel P.J.

Director, Kristu Jayanti College of Law,
Director, International Relations,
Faculty, Department of Psychology,
Director, Jayantian Extension Services & Jayantian Alumni Association

Fr. Som Zacharia

Infrastructure Planning and Development

Fr. Joshy Mathew

Director, Library and Information Centre
Head, Department of English

Fr. Deepu Joy

Director, Student Welfare Office
Faculty Member, Department of Life Sciences

Fr. Jais V Thomas

Financial Administrator
Faculty Member, Commerce and Management

Kristu Jayanti College of Law secured the 5th rank in the KSLU Sports Meet 2023-2024, showcasing outstanding performance and sportsmanship. This achievement highlights the dedication and hard work of our students who excelled across various events. We congratulate all participants and extend our gratitude to everyone who supported this journey to success.| |

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© 2025 Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), K Narayanapura, Kothannur, Bangaluru-560077, Karnataka.